Oppo’s new smartphone Oppo A83 Pro has been launched in India. Actually, the Oppo A83 Pro handset is an upgraded version of Oppo A83. Oppo A83 Pro will cost Rs. 15,990 in India. The smartphone will have more RAM and inbuilt storage than Oppo A83. The rest of the handset specification is similar to Oppo A83. Both handsets will be found in the champagne and black color options.
Oppo A83 Pro Release Date
Expected Price: Rs. 15990
Launch Date: 31st March 2018
The Specifications of Oppo A83 Pro
The phone has a 2.5 GHz octa-core processor. This smartphone has 4 GB RAM and 64 GB of storage. 4GB RAM will support you playing your favorite games. Storage can be increased to 256 GB via microSD card. The company says that it is the second such handset after the A88 smartphone of Apeo, which uses Artificial Intelligence technology for the selfie. Moving on the trend of thin bezel display, Oppo has given a 5.7-inch Full HD + display in this smartphone, which is equipped with 1440×720 pixel screen resolution. As we said earlier, the A83 Pro like the Oppo A83 has a 5.7-inch HD + (720 × 1440 pixels) display that comes with 18:9 aspect ratios.
The company claims that the Face Unlock feature will unlock the phone in 0.18 seconds. This smartphone comes with dual SIM support. The phone has an 8-megapixel front camera. The company claims that a successful attempt has been made to improve self-experience in the future. Talking about the camera, the Oppo A83 has a 13-megapixel rear camera with LED flash. The front camera of this smartphone supports AI Beauty Technology through which it will also work as a Face Unlock feature.
For connectivity, there are 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi 802.11 A/B/G/N, Bluetooth 4.2, GPS, GLONASS and Micro USB in the smartphone. To power the smartphone, there is a 3180 mAh battery. The dimensions of the phone are 150.5 × 73.1×7.7 millimeters and weighing 143 grams. Oppo A83 Pro runs on Android 7.1 Noga based ColorOs 3.2.