To counter Jio and Airtel, Vodafone has updated its ‘Red Plan’ for postpaid users. After updating the 399 rupees, the user will get 30 GB/3G/4G data with the unlimited free phone call (local and STD), free national roaming and 100 SMS. Also, every remaining data (up to 200 GB) will become part of the next bill cycling. Customers of Vodafone’s prepaid customers and other service providers can switch to Vodafone Postpaid and take advantage of this service.
To switch to Vodafone Red, the user has to dial 199 from his phone. The thing to keep in mind is that this plan will be applicable for only 6 months in 399 rupees, 6 months (after completing 6 billing cycles), the user will be charged 499 rupees. Explain that this plan was not updated on the company’s official website in India until the news was written. This plan is not currently applicable in Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Jammu and Kashmir, and Himachal Pradesh circles.
For the postpaid customers, Vodafone launched a ‘Red Plan’ of Rs 399 in December last year. Under this plan, free incoming and 10 GB data was provided during unlimited calls (local and STD), roaming. In this plan, there was an option to add data to the next cycle. Then this plan was not included in Vodafone Play and Magazine Subscription. The company later increased the data limit to 20 GB.
Explain that the company has gained a lot of profit from this plan in the postpaid market. A postpaid user with a Jio of Rs 309, gets 30 GB data of 1 GB per day. If there is free water from the daily limit of data, then users can take 20 GB data plan for 409 rupees. On the other hand, while talking about Airtel, the company is giving 20 GB of data in the MyInfinity Plan of 399 rupees.