Vivo launched its Vivo V5S smartphone in April this year. At the launch, the handset was priced at Rs 18,990. Now customers will be able to buy Vivo V5s for Rs 15,990. The company has officially cut the price of this phone with 20 megapixels selfie camera, which is Rs 3,000. It has been reported that the phone will be available at the new price on the online store with offline.
Even though the price of the handset has been disclosed, but the e-commerce site does not look like Amazon and Flipkart. Because the news was written on these websites the phone was being sold at the old price.
The Specifications of Vivo V5s
The handset uses 1.5 GHz octa-core mediaTech MT 6750 processor. 4 GB RAM for multi-tasking. Inbuilt Storage is 64 GB and the user will be able to use MicroSD card up to 256 GB if needed. Vivo V5S has a 5.5-inch HD (1280×720 pixels) IPS display. The display contains 2.5D Gorilla Glass protection and comes with the mother protection mode. Explain that the phone has a hybrid SIM slot, which means that you have to select one of the other SIM cards and the MicroSD card. Vivo’s handset runs on the Android 6.0 Marshmallow based on the FrontPage OS 3.0.
Equipped with the fingerprint sensor, this smartphone has given accelerometer, ambient light, proximity, e-compass, and gyroscope sensors. Its dimensions are 153.8×75.5×7.55 millimeters and weighing 154 grams.
Users will be able to record videos of full-HD resolution with selfie camera. At the same time, its primary camera is 13 megapixels. It is equipped with Phase Detection Auto Focus and Ultra HD. The connectivity feature includes 4G VoLTE, Bluetooth 4.0, Wi-Fi 802.11 B / G / N / AC, NFC and GPS. 3000 VaAh battery is available to power Vivo V5S
Now the Viva V5S features the most important feature camera. As we told you earlier, the V5S secondary camera is 20 megapixels. Flash is also given for better selfie and as a software, Face Beauty 6.0 is present.