From this article, you will get 10 free online stock screening free websites. From free websites of stock screening, you can filter the stocks based on user-defined metrics. You can filter the stocks by various financial criteria and further define the values for each criterion to precisely filter the stocks. Using stock screeners you can track the stocks that help you. Moreover, you can view the descriptive, fundamental, technical and other types of analysis of the stocks as well. For example, with a stock screener, you can filter the stocks by stock prices, companies market capitals, industries, loss/gain margins, sectors, etc. So, let’s check out these stock screeners one by one.
Free Online Stock Screening Websites The stock and the business news website CNBC has a Stock Screener where you can filter the stocks as per your interests. You can filter the desired stocks with this CNBC stock screener. You can also save your screener by creating an account for later use. This stock screener gives you some sample screeners to start with along with an option to create a custom screener.
Visit Website: Click Here One of the best stock screener website. This website has an advanced stock screener tool where you can create custom presets to track the stocks. You can save your screen with all your filters by creating a Finviz account.
It automatically refreshes the stats every 3 mins to give you the most recent data. Initially, Finviz shows you the overview of the stocks as per your preset and you can also see Financial, Valuation, Ownership, Technical, Performance, Custom, Tickers, TA, Snapshot, Chart, Basic, News, and Stats.
Visit Website: Click Here It is an online stock screener and analysis tool. This website has lots of options for stock charts. In the stock screener filter results, it shows you Charts, Tables, Technical, ChartMill Ratings, Social, Fundamental, and CSV Ticker List. From there, you can annotate the results, reposition them and export them to CSV file. You can create custom charts for various tickers and add indicator.
Visit Website: Click Here It is the reliable source to keep real-time track of the stock market. Here, you can filter the stocks by Market Cap, Sector, Region, Price, and Industry. It also has a stock screener where you can create a custom preset to keep track of stocks.
Yahoo Stock Screener has many additional filters including Financial Highlights, Earnings, ESC Scores, Valuation Measures, Cash Flow Statements, Share Statistics and more. You can further add more filters to get more customized results. You can create your personal stock screener preset with all these filters and save it to your Yahoo account. In the results, it shows you the Name, Symbols, Change, Price, % Change, PE Ratio, Average Volume, Market Cap.
Visit Website: Click Here Provide the latest and greatest information about the stock market. It has a stock screener where you can filter the stocks with a custom preset. The Exchange, Region, Sector, Industry, and Equity Types are the main filters here. In the Screener results, it shows you an overview table of the stocks that includes Last Value, Exchange, Percentage, Change, Market Cap and Volume.
Visit Website: Click Here It is a comprehensive investing tool that allows private investors and day traders to see the measured performance of anyone who provides financial advice. Unlike other stock screeners, this tool has some unique criteria where it shows external factors that can affect the stocks. Most of these criteria are the external factors that give you all-around insight into the stock market.
Visit Website: Click Here It is another powerful online stock screener tool. Whether you’re a fundamentalist researching a company from top to bottom or a technician more interested in stock charting, you can pick stocks on a multitude of selection criteria that is most relevant to you with this stock screener. Most of the features of this stock screener are free to use but it also offers many advanced features which come under a premium membership. All these categories have dozens of items where you can filter each item as per your requirements.
Visit Website: Click Here It is a powerful and easy-to-use stock screener. Based on StockFetcher”s text-based filtering you can use plain-English phrases to build your custom stock screens. Instead of offering regular stock criteria and filters, this website lets you make your own criteria and filters. You can view the screener results either in a tabular form or on charts. You can select a previous date to analyze the stocks. You can also download the results as a CSV file.
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