The Sony Xperia XZ2 Premium was launched on Monday with several improvements by the company. The smartphone is different from the older handset in many ways. The feature of the phone is given ISO 12800 for video recording with its Motion I Dual Camera setup. Its price is yet to be disclosed. It will be available in single chrome black and chrome silver color with sim and dual sim variants.
Specification of Xperia XZ2 Premium
- Its front has a 22mm wide angle lens with the 13MP camera, f / 2.0 aperture, and 1 / 3.06-inch XMORE RS sensor.
- The front camera includes 5-Axis image stabilization, ISO 3200 sensitivity for photos and ISO 1600 sensitivity for videos.
- Its motion-i-dual rear camera setup provides 1 / 1.23-inch XMORE RS sensor, 1.22-micron pixels and f / 1.8 aperture with a 19MP camera. It has a 12MP child and white camera. In this, super slow motion video can be recorded at a rate of 960 frames per second.
- The smartphone has 64GB of internal storage. With the help of the MicroSD card, it can be increased to 400GB.
- The phone has 6GB RAM with Snapdragon 845.
- Dual SIM Sony Xperia XZ2 Premium works on Android ORIO.
- It has a 5.8 inch HDR 4K triluminous display with the Corning Gorilla Glass 5.
- The smartphone has a 3540 mAh battery. The battery comes with wireless charging support with Quick Charging 3.0.
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