Steps to Add Google Custom Search Box in Your Website

By | November 12, 2017

Some advantages of Google custom search box are it improves impressions. It keeps your visitors busy by making them greet and aim to the source of further articles. Google Custom Search will be helped you to increase page impressions and page views. Google Custom Search is the very useful feature for indexing of your custom search

Follow steps to Add Google Custom Search Box in Your Website

Step 1 Go to Google CSE

create google cse

Enter the name of your site and click on Create button that is located below. After click on the create button, you can see successfully created your custom search engine message.

Step 2 Now Click on Edit search engine option from the left sidebar and select your site name.

Step 3 Click on Look and feel option. The following screen will appear by clicking on Look and feel option. Select your layout that you want to show your search input box and their search result.

look and feel of google custom search

Step 5 Now click on Next: Get the code for search result button. After clicking on getting the code for search result button, it will show result code for google search. Copy code for a search result that is used to show the search result.

Step 4 Select a layout and click on Save and Get Code Button that is located to below. After clicking on Save and Get Code button it will show the code in the search box. Copy that code and the past in temporary file for further use.

Step 6 Now we have a code of the search box and code of google search result. Add generated search box code and result code for a search result on the website.

Here in below download link, I have added code that I have created for my blog

Download Demo For Google Custom Search: Click Here

The benefit of using Google Custom Search

1. Your server resources remain free to fulfill other requests.

2. Google Custom Search is free service.

3. We can also customize look and feel of the search box.

4. We can use the autocomplete feature.

5. Google Custom Search is fast compared to WordPress search.

6. Google Custom search boost your SEO.

7. Using Google custom search they will keep track of your search queries. So you can easily identify your user interest.

8. We can add google custom search to search multiple websites.

9. There are many layouts is available for google custom search result.

10. CSE make more value of your website.

11. Searching for the image is possible.

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