Aarogya Setu app has crossed the number of 10 crore register users in just 41 days of launch. This app was launched on 2 April 2020.
Aarogya Setu app was launched for Android and iOS devices last month. The Ministry of Technology has released Arogya Setu Mobile on Thursday for 50 lakh Jio Phone users, the cheap internet-enabled devices sold by Reliance Industries’ telecoms unit.
Let us tell you that earlier the Government of India launched Arogya Setu IVRS service for feature phone and landline users.
The Union Health Ministry recently launched the Arogya Setu IVRS service for feature phones and landline users. Under this service, now users of feature phones and landline can get the latest information related to the virus by giving a missed call to the 1921 toll-free number.
Arogya Setu app is available in 11 languages including Hindi, English and Marathi. In this app, methods of prevention of corona virus are also mentioned. Apart from this, this app will tell you based on your location and travel history whether you are at risk of corona infection or not.
What is use of Arogya Setu App?
The Arogya Setu app will tell people whether you have come in contact with a corona infected person or not. The Arogya Setu app is designed to prevent the infection of corona virus. Apart from this, you can also find out how much risk you have of corona infection with this app.
Anyone who is traveling must have this app in their phone. Along with this, food delivery workers and people who deliver other goods will also have to download it in their phones. Due to all these imperatives, Arogya Setu App has emerged as such a successful app in such a short time.