According to the WhatsApp Post Blog, the most popular messaging app, WhatsApp will not work on BlackBerry OS, BlackBerry 10, Windows Phone 8.0 and older devices running December 31, 2017. While this news certainly does sound very gloomy and something to get panicked about, it is actually quite benign. Ending of support does not mean that the users will not be able to access their accounts. WhatsApp has said that users will continue to get access but will not receive any security updates or new features. WhatsApp has also said that after withdrawing support effective from December 31, some of the features might not be available anymore.
We know that support from WhatsApp was discontinued on June 30, 2017, for Nokia’s S60 running on the Symbian platform. Yes, believe it or not, but Nokia used to make feature phones with WhatsApp support once upon a time.
Apart from this, WhatsApp will stop working on Android version 2.3.7 or later, from February 1, 2020. Whether this will be controversial or not remains to be seen. While there is hope that the Android world would have moved on to newer versions by 2020.
BlackBerry OS is the remnant of the past (released in 1999), which manages the BlackBerry Curve and Bold Iconic Smartphones. It is a miracle, as long as WhatsApp did until the operating system was supported. It does not mean to invest money and resources in the development of applications for the brain stage, basically, with no talks on the market.
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