Friends Motorola has launched its most powerful smartphone Moto X4. This phone has 6GB of RAM, which will make it fast response. This is the first smartphone of the company that has so much RAM. Not only that but, the phone’s second hardware specification will also be strong. The price of this phone has been fixed at Rs 24,999. This is an upgraded version of the variant launched in August last year.
The Key Feature of Motorola Moto X4 Smartphone
The company claims that all work will be done fast multiplied by fast sharing, scrolling, browsing, clicking, gaming, streaming, connecting, texting and switching. Google’s latest Android operating system is Oreo 8.0. However, the Moto X4 will get the Android 7.1.1 nong operating system. In the coming days, it will be updated from Orio. Along with this, the phone will get a PowerGHT Octa-Core Snapdragon 630 processor with a 2.2GHz speed.
Motorola Moto X4 Smartphone Support 2000GB Memory Card Support.
These smartphones will support 2TB memory cards. Explain that 1TB stands for 1024GB. Accordingly, 2TB memory is more than 2000GB. With this, the internal memory of the phone will be 64GB. This means that the user of this phone can also be used like a portable hard disk drive. The 2TB hard disk’s online price is around 6 thousand rupees.