Micromax launches the new Smartphone Bharat 5 of its Bharat Series at an event held in Gurudram on 01/12/2017. In the launch event, the company informed that the company will also offer Bharat 5 Plus and Bharat 5 Pro smartphones in the next two months. Both of these smartphones will be upgraded variants of Bharat 5. Besides, the company expects that by March 2018, the company will sell 60 lakh Bharat Series smartphones. New Micromax Bharat 5 will run on Android Noaga Micromax Bharat 5 The biggest feature of the smartphone is the 5000 mAh battery given on the phone. Micromax’s new Bharat 5 smartphone will launch a challenge to Xiaomi Redmi 5A, launched on 30/11/2017.
The Price and Launch Offer of Micromax Bharat 5
Micromax’s new handset is priced at Rs 5,555. Under the partnership of M/s and Vodafone, customers who buy Bharat 5 will get 50 GB free data. Smartphones are available for purchase in retail stores across the country. Any new or existing Vodafone customer who buys the new Micromax Bharat 5 and 1 GB data pack will get 10 GB extra data every month for a total of five months.
The Specifications and Feature of Bharat 5
The phone offers 1.3 GHz quad-core processor and 1 GB RAM. The smartphone has 16 GB of inbuilt storage. Micromax Bharat 5 has a 5.2-inch Full HD (720×1280 pixels) screen. It is possible to extend the storage via microSD card up to 64 GB.
About the front LED flash, the company says that it will help in getting better quality selfies in the night. And for the photography, the phone has a 5-megapixel selfie camera with LED flash. Apart from this, Bharat 5 has a 5-megapixel rear camera which is equipped with LED flash.
In the smartphone for connectivity, features like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0 and Radio FM have been provided. It has been claimed to give standby time up to 3 weeks/21 days of battery. To give power to the phone is a 5000 mAh battery, which the company claims it will last for 2 days.