Chinese smartphone manufacturer Meizu has launched its flagship Pro 7 smartphone in India. The Meizu Pro 7 is available on Amazon at a price of Rs 22999. The company will provide 4GB of RAM and 64GB of storage variant of this phone in India. The specialty of this phone has its dual display. The phone will be available in black color.
The specification of Meizu Pro 7 is as follows
- Speaking of this smartphone’s battery, 3,000mAh battery is offered, in which 3.0 supports fast charging.
- The technology of this smartphone is highly appreciated by the international media, so you can use it to look for notification and to self-click in the back camera.
- The smartphone has two cameras of 12MP and a 16MP front camera with dual LED flash.
- This smartphone runs on Android 7.0 Nugget Based Flyme 6.
- This smartphone has been given MediaTek Helio P25 processor.
- This smartphone has 64GB of internal memory with 4GB of RAM.
- In terms of connectivity to this smartphone, 4G VoLTE supports Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, 3.5mm headphone jack and USB Type-C.
- The fingerprint sensor of this smartphone has been given in the Home button.
- This smartphone has a 5.5-inch Full HD AMOLED screen.
- This smartphone has been given a dual screen, in the rear of it has also been given a primary 1.9 inch AMOLED screen.
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