Do you know where your Aadhar Card number is being used? Perhaps you will not even remember how often and where you have given photocopies or a seat on your Aadhar Card. But you can find out where the Aadhar Card number is being used. You can also know that there is no misuse of your Aadhar Card number and you are not able to. In some places, your Aadhar Card is not being used, which you do not know.
Step to Know Who Is Using Your Aadhar Card
1. Go to Aadhar Card Authentication History page This is a link to- Here you will see Aadhaar Authentication History written below the Aadhar Card services. Click on this link.
2. Enter the security code given in your photo of your Aadhar Card number here.
3. Click to generate OTP.
4. will be the OTP on your registered mobile number.
5. Fill autopsies and submit them. Before filling the OTP, you have to select the time limit, whose desk you are looking for.
6. Afterward, you will get a full range of dates and time according to which your Aadhar Card has been used. That is to say, the authorities have come to the request for verification of your Aadhar Card several times.
7. If you see something disturbing, you can complain about it. You can also lock your Aadhar Card information online.